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A 4 page paper which examines whether or not it is wrong to spank a child to discipline them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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for disciplining children, even throwing in for free, "a guidebook detailing the number of swats each violation might merit" (Batstone 19). Such attitudes are prevalent in the United States and
yet spanking is discouraged in society. This discouragement does not subdue real beliefs in spanking as one study indicates, "74% of mothers believe spanking is acceptable for kids ages 1
to 3" (OCallaghan 142). Although it is discouraged there are many who argue, especially in relationship to the Bible, the seemingly
ridiculous argument that, "Corporal punishment, when used lovingly and properly, is beneficial to the child because it is in harmony with nature itself" (Batstone 19). It seems somewhat ludicrous to
assume that hitting, in any form, is something that could be considered loving or harmonious. The following paper examines spanking, offering up four arguments as to why it is not
a positive form of discipline. Spanking For most people spanking is perhaps done without thinking, and clearly without realizing that what
is being instilled in the child is the notion that physical force is the way to get something done. It teaches the child that when a more powerful figure says
something must get done, or be done in a certain way, the way of the power figure, that physical force is acceptable. While
many people may not see it this way, subconsciously it is a serious reality in the nation. When people get in arguments as adults often violence and physical fights can
break out because one individual is not being heard and in order to "win" physical force must be used. Even though society discourages physical violence in any form, through spanking