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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper which examines something the student is good at, that being helping people no matter what they need. It is for a student’s journal entry. No sources cited.
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3 pages (~225 words per page)
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good at something, or they are not as good at something as someone else but everyone is good at something. That something may be doing art or writing, or it
may be gardening or taking care of babies. Most of the time what a person is good at is something they enjoy. For example, if someone loves flowers they may
well be very good at arranging flowers. The following paper examines how the student is good at providing help for people whatever they need. The tutorial is for the students
personal journal entry. Something You Are Good at: Journal Entry While many people may think that helping others no matter what they need is not something someone is
good at, for everyone can do it, the truth is that some people really have a knack for being there and offering help no matter the situation. In fact, most
if not all people can name people they know, or have known, that seem to have that knack of selfless help. The following portion of this paper presents a first
person discussion of possessing that trait for a students personal journal entry. I never really noticed it until this particular assignment, or not really noticed it consciously, that one
of the things I am good at is helping people no matter what they need. Something in me is happy to help someone and for some reason I have always
been able to know when someone needed help before they or someone else told me they needed something. My father was like that and I often think I got
that ability from him. He was always helping a neighbor fix something or taking a neighbor to the store when they needed it. He volunteered at the hospital and was