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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
The competencies that succeed in the soft drink industry include offering classic products that consumers trust to taste exactly how they expect them to taste, combined with new products that respond to current trends. For example, there is a rush to get low carb drink products on the market to meet current trends. This is combined with creating a consumer following for the brand, as in any branded product. However, traditional economic methods also apply, particularly in this case, distribution and organization. In the battle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the sides are drawn as crisply as the lines between Hektor and Achilles, but Coke still reigns. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvSoftDr.rtf
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combined with new products that respond to current trends. For example, there is a rush to get low carb drink products on the market to meet current trends. This is
combined with creating a consumer following for the brand, as in any branded product. However, traditional economic methods also apply, particularly in this case, distribution and organization. In the battle
between Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the sides are drawn as crisply as the lines between Hektor and Achilles, but Coke still reigns. The student
may want to state that: One look at the Beverage World (2004) website will establish in the viewers mind, the importance of having an established product with a recognizable brand,
and also the need to expand via current market trends. On this site in May of 2004, the focus is on low carb drinks, a fad related to the Atkins-based
diet craze. The fact that the beverage industry is responding to this trend is singularly important in the fact that beverages can be defined as being carbohydrates.
Just as important to the soft drink industry as trending is branding. Soft drinks are an acquired taste, like anything else, but there are other tangible
associations between a person and the brand selected, including product identification. According to Falling (2002), each brand must have a distinctive meaning through symbolism and presence. It must be memorable,
appealing, and "offer a distinctive image which separates it from competing products." (Falling, 2002, 94). This gives the consumer a sense of validation in his choice and creates an image
of social acceptance and mutual recognition with others using the same product (Falling, 2002, 94). Additionally, Falling says, brands are also a function of convenience and habit. For example, it