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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 19 page paper provides a comprehensive overview of the social welfare policies beginning with the Progressive Era through the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. Notables discussed include Roosevelt's New Deal, including legislative acts, programs and constitutional amendments, the founding of the NAACP and National Urban League, the first White House Conference on Children and the beginning of the mental health movement. Other topics include the Social Security Act, Johnson's Great Society, the cutbacks by Nixon, Reagan, and Bush. The writer comments on the Welfare reform movements of the 1970s and the 1990s. other related topics are discussed. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
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we have to address some issues in a cursory manner and/or not address each and every topic. Such is the case with this paper. As it is, I ran over
the number of pages ordered. You are not being charged for the extra pages.] 1. Progressive Era The Progressive Era lasted from the late 1890s through the 1920s (Wikipedia,
2006). Different documents, however, place the dates from the late 1890s through 1913 or from 1900 to 1917 (Wikipedia, 2006). It was an era of reform during which time, Progressives
tended to think anything old was useless (Wikipedia, 2006). Reformers supported and promoted the Efficiency Movement (Wikipedia, 2006). They believed in science and technology to identify and fix problems
(Wikipedia, 2006). Progressives opposed corruption and waste and attempted to make changes "in all policies at all levels of society, economy and government" (Wikipedia, 2006). In fact, journalists who
exposed corruption and waste for national magazines were called Muckrakers (Wikipedia, 2006). Initially, the movement met with success at local levels but it quickly progressed to both state and national
levels (Wikipedia, 2006). Reformers and opponents were primarily among the middle class (Wikipedia, 2006). Most were educated, Protestants, lived in cities and they were white (Wikipedia, 2006). Women proved their
value outside the home during this era working as social workers (Wikipedia, 2006). There was an emphasis on social justice, equality and public safety (Wikipedia, 2006). Some of the many
national reforms were Prohibition, the 16th, 18th and 19th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, womens suffrage (Wikipedia, 2006). The 16th Amendment in 1920 instituted Income Tax, the 17th Amendment provided
for the direct election of Senators. The 19th Amendment addressed voting rights (Wikipedia, 2006). There were large numbers of immigrants moving to the United States. In fact, between 1900 and