Sample Essay on:
Social Ecology in Nursing

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of social ecology. The role of ecological theory is nursing is succinctly presented. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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as the more objective and scientific forms of knowledge typically associated with medicine. For this reason, it is vital for APRNs to understand the wide range of factors, both internal and environmental, which can impact interpersonal relationships and communications during the course of medical practice. According to one prominent framework, social ecological theory, it is useful to explore these influential forces in the context of three distinct levels or tiers of influence: the micro level, the meso level, and the macro level. The micro level concerns itself exclusively with the individual and personality-related influences upon interaction and behavior. From the standpoint of the APRN, it primarily involves direct interaction with patients. Understanding the role of personality and individual culture in health-related phenomena can allow for a superior understanding of practice. For instance, a 2002 study looked at the relationship between partner violence and the mistreatment of children using the social ecological framework, establishing a significant correlation between the two factors (Little & Kantor-Kaufmann, 2002). This is significant for APRNs as such an understanding may well assist them in "assessment and intervention with mothers and children" who show indications of being involved in personal situations where child mistreatment is likely (Little & Kantor-Kaufmann, 2002). The meso level of the ecological model looks at the role of institutions and organizations in shaping international interactions. In the case of health care, this refers mostly to how the particular hospital or health care institution and its structure impacts the ability of nurses to interact with patients. For instance, a 2004 study confirmed that a majority of institutions now adopt an ecological framework in the development of "prevention programs" (Jakes & Brookins, 2004). Through adopting and structuring an organizational program in accordance with an ecological understanding, it becomes possible for the institution to directly ...

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