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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
Operant Conditioning : This 4 page paper discusses Skinner’s operant conditioning theory. Discussions on rewards and punishments, negative reinforcement, and reward schedules are included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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conditioning means that all organisms operate on their environments (Boeree, 2006). Skinner believed that any behavior or action that a human performs has a consequence and that consequence occurs naturally
within the specific environment where the action was performed (Skinner, 2011). This process of action and consequence is referred to as operant conditioning. Rewards and punishments are the consequences. Rewards
reinforce behaviors, punishments punish behaviors. Skinner (2011) commented that we have known for a long time that behavior is affected by its consequences. We reward people so that they will
behave in certain ways. When behaviors are reinforced, they will be sustained or increased. Skinner (2011) makes a point to say that the consequence cannot be a matter of trial
and error behaviors and learning, it is a systematic process. Just as reinforcement increases or sustains behaviors, punishments decrease of extinguish behaviors. Skinner did not believe in punishments and
neither does this author. It is far better to use positive reinforcement and the punisher simply becomes not receiving the reward. One term that confuses people, even those studying
operant conditioning, is negative reinforcement. Many people equate this with punishment but that is the opposite of what it is. The term negative reinforcement sounds like an oxymoron but it
isnt. It means that an aversive situation is taken away, which reinforces the person to perform whatever act is necessary (Boeree, 2006). Consider this example: a student has extremely
high test anxiety whenever there is a written test. The anxiety is so bad, the student becomes physically ill and stays home from school. The written test is the aversive
stimulus. The teacher offers the student an oral test or a project to complete instead. The student is excited to demonstrate their knowledge in any way other than a written