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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper examines the company Singapore Airlines (SIA). The paper answers four questions; the processes present in the operation of SIA, what is meant by "World Class Service" and how it may be applied to SIA, the operation strategy and the application of Platts-Gregory procedure to assess the potential future of the company. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
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10 pages (~225 words per page)
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are more transparent than others. There are processes that are internal aimed at staff, processes that are internal aimed at physical resources and processes that control and develop the interaction
with the passenger and the passengers experience of the company. The processes concerning operations have received a great deal of investment, there have been the development of new hangers
so that up to five aircraft can be accommodated within hangars, there is also the development of the companies own subsidiary company for the maintenance of engineering as well as
the participation in a joint venture. SIA Engineering company (SIAEC) was developed into a separate company in 1992 and is a p-partner in the Pan Asia Pacific Aviation Services (PAPAS)
for the maintenance fo aircraft in Hong Kong. The develop of supporting processes that result in increased control by SIA over these processes is also seen with the joint venture
for the maintenance of the computer systems and the development of a facility for physical assets such as catering equipment only twenty minutes away from the Singapore airport. There is
also the investment in the airports to facilitate the processes that take pace in terms of operations. There are also internal system that are people focused, these support and
develop the culture as well as acting as an information flow and helping to maintain the cooperative advantage. To communicate with the staff there are a range of newsletters, there
is a single newsletter that is general and focused at the entire staff, but these are also supplemented with more specialised newsletters aimed at specific staff member groups such as
air crew, ground crew and technical crews. These newsletters have the role of spreading information and also stimulating thought and increasing