Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Should Anthropologists Work to Eliminate the Practice of Female Circumcision. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages. This paper argues that anthropologists should work to eliminate the practice of female circumcision. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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of women have been designed by men under religious and scientific assumptions that have served to guide nearly every part of a womans life, including her sexuality, mannerisms, physical appearance
and education, along with her role in society. These designed programs served not only to control the female gender, but also to block entrance for women in many areas
so that they remain chained to the patriarchal influence. The overt implications of fear and control represent the role women are forced to play in those societies that practice
the dangerous and damaging ritual of female genital mutilation. Espousing the fact that this circumcision is employed to deter sexual promiscuity, Merrilee Salmon digs deeper into the controlling aspects of
this practice, noting that its primary benefit -- aside from keeping practitioners in a lucrative business -- is that of oppressing the women. Indeed, it can readily be argued that
while many women have struggled to attain their own self-worth, they are typically identified as being akin to material possessions, equated with things that are to be used, like land
and other tangible entities. While it is clear that women have intrinsic value of their own, this aspect of the female gender is not readily acknowledged within the stifling
boundaries of a patriarchal society. As a direct result of societal dictates and the prejudicial pecking order established solely by a patriarchal society, these women are often forced to accept
what is offered to them whether they like it or not. Defining the value of personhood, with particular emphasis upon that of womanhood, is what the patriarchal society fails
to masterly achieve. If it were not for the presence of a man, the woman would hold no individual value according to the patriarchal society; instead, she must be