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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the book by Gail Sheehy about Senator Clinton. A great deal of facts about Hillary Clinton's personal life, including her life as a child, are included . No additional sources cited.
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been rumors about her possible deal with Bill and her homosexuality as well as suggestions that what she really wants is not to be first lady but to be president
herself. Her successful run to be Senator of New York is proof of that, at least to onlookers. Still, Hillary is an enigma. Some people love her and others hate
her. There is usually no in between, but what one can say for sure is that she is quite famous. Now a New York Senator, she had already been First
Lady and prior to that was a prominent Arkansas attorney. She played the stock market well, but that is also something that had seemingly gotten her into trouble. Although Hilary
has been rather successful at least occupationally, she is also a mother to daughter Chelsea and seems to shine in that role. Hillary Clinton is a woman who many are
enamored of. People want to find every bit of information on this woman who once lived in the White House. In fact, on a recent Gilmore Girls episode that airs
on the WB, it seems that when all aspiring ivy league school girls choose a candidate as to whom they most admire, it is always Hillary. Advisors had warned that
candidates should start to choose someone else because Hillary is just too popular. This snippet of pop culture is in some way evidence of Hillarys lure. Young girls who also
want to be important in government will look to Hillary Clinton as a role model. Older women are also in awe of her powerful presence and track record. Well
known author Gail Sheehy (1999) tackled the persona of Hillary Clinton as she delved into her past and her future in a book that is entitled Hillarys Choice.