Sample Essay on:
Service Experience and the Death Penalty

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 4 page tutorial/personal paper which examines the relationship between one’s service experience, as a police officer, and the death penalty. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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things like crime and punishment. While many people have varying opinions about the death penalty, a law enforcement individual is likely to have a more personal relationship with punishment in general, and thus may demonstrate a very different perspective on the death penalty than the common civilian. With that in mind the following paper offers a tutorial examination of how a law enforcement individuals service experience would relate to their perspective on the death penalty. Service Experience and the Death Penalty The service experience of the student involves working in the police department and directly contacting, and helping, the many homeless people on the streets. Many of the people encountered are Vietnam veterans, people out of work, and generally people who are ultimately victims of society. While many people, successful people, may argue, as Pojman, that such an argument "undermines the very notion of human autonomy and responsibility. Individuals who are not mentally ill are free agents whose actions should be taken seriously as flowing from free decisions."i In essence, no one has the right to blame society for their own problems. At the same time, in relationship to the students profession and experience, the real truth is that society does great damage to people and offers them little in the way of help. These people that are helped are not criminals perse, they are not individuals who would even be near engaging in criminal activity that would lead to the death penalty, but they are clearly just one group of individuals, one socio-economic class of the nation, that are victims of the society itself. They perhaps represent a simple helplessness in comparison to those who become hardened criminals as it relates to the damage the society can do. The point, ...

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