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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper. Fifty years ago, segregated schools were declared unconstitutional. Recent studies suggest that segregations is slowly creeping back into some schools. This essay discusses this development and some of the causes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Court ruled that racial segregation in Americas schools was unconstitutional (Nichols, 2004). This ruling resulted in numerous laws, regulations, and actions as well as other litigation over the decades (Nichols,
2004). Forced busing was the rule of the day across the country, not just in the South where schools were deliberately segregated and called separate but equal (Nichols, 2004). Betty
T. Howard, a 20-year veteran teacher at IPS School 87 (Indianapolis Public School), says that segregation has been creeping back in (Nichols, 2004). Kevin D. Brown, an attorney and professor
at Indiana University Law School says "School desegregation is dying a slow death" (Nichols, 2004). White students have been flocking out of the district, either moving total or enrolling in
private and parochial schools (Nichols, 2004). This leaves the school population predominately black (Nichols, 2004). A recent study by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University found that 7 out
of 10 black students attend schools that are predominately black (Nichols, 2004). Segregation is more prominent in large urban areas but there is a reason for this - the population
of the areas is mostly non-white (The Economist, 2003). The situation is not confined to large city school systems, though, it can be found in the suburbs as well (The
Economist, 2003). Schools that were once mostly white are not mostly Latino or Black (The Economist, 2003). It has to do with migration - as minorities move out of cities
to the suburban areas, the schools naturally become filled with these populations (The Economist, 2003). As minority populations move further from cities, white populations move even further away from the
cities (The Economist, 2003). The only way desegregation could happen is to bus minorities to neighborhoods further and further away but there is a problem with that, too because it