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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page paper that offers a detailed article critique of the study conducted by Scott, et al (2006), which pertains to an educational intervention on falls prevention that was conducted with Canadian community health workers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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8 pages (~225 words per page)
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of this problem for nursing: The researchers indicate that, for Canadians between the ages of 34 and 64 in 2001 and 02, fall-related injuries were the cause for 45 percent
of all hospital admissions and this statistic for individuals 65 years and older was 85 percent. Furthermore, 30 percent of elderly individuals living in the community are estimated to experience
at least one fall annually, with half of this number experiencing two or more falls Study Purpose The purpose of the study was to determine the efficacy of a multi-factorial
intervention for fall prevention administered by community health workers who had received training in the intervention and also in falls risk assessment. The program, which was titled Strategies and Actions
for Independent Living (SAIL), entailed community health workers who were employed by home support services receiving training in the program from nurses and therapists and then instituting the learned evidence-based
interventions with their clients over the next six months. Research Questions The study utilized two research questions. The first of which pertains to how the community health workers who
received training in SAIL perceived the training. The second research question directly addresses whether or not the SAIL protocol would result in decreased risk for falls and decreases in falls
and fall-related injuries among the adult clients in home support services. Hypothesis/hypotheses While the hypothesis of the study is not stated overtly, the implied hypothesis is that the researchers belief
that the study intervention, that is, the SAIL protocol, will be effective in reducing fall risk and in decreasing the incidence of actual falls and fall-related injuries among the client
population. Study Variables Independent variable: The independent variable in an experiment is the component of the situation that acts on a factor that remains constant, that is, the dependent