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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 20 page paper looks at the well known eleltricic firm Samsung, considering their background, mission and vision as well as the way in which they competes along with an assessment of the internal and external environment in order to identify a potential new strategy to increase sales and revenues. The strategy using the internet to increase complimentary sales is outlines, a financial forecast and key success factors are presented. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
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20 pages (~225 words per page)
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and Implementation 7 11. Financial Projections and Analysis 7 Table 1 Set up costs 7 Table 2 Financial projection 8 12. Critical Success factors 8 13. Controls and Evaluation 8 References 9 1. Executive Summary
Samsung a major electronics company, having started from a broad and diversified background they are now focused on only a few markets, with a leadership position in some
markets, such as DRAM. The company has the aim of increasing business, with a growth strategy, and an underlying vision to support technological convergence. Therefore, when considering the competitive environment
within which the organization is operating, as well as the core competencies of anonymity of follow-up, strategy that is utilized these to support both differentiation as well as cost leadership.
The paper suggests the development of a new application website, which can be utilized to offer for sale a wide range of low-cost applications for different types of Samsung technology,
emulating the Apple iPhone App Store, but extending this to other types of technology, which will help to increase revenues. However, the real value of this strategy will be with
the associated seven long-term, it helps to support the sales of the hardware as well as providing access to applications. 2. Introduction In a competitive environment a firm has to
be able to adapt and adjust, understanding the environment within which it is operating and using the knowledge of its environment and its own position, resources and competences in order
to assess potential strategies for future development. Samsung is a major electronics firm, active in many markets, selling a wide range of goods across the globe by looking at the
firm and the way it competes potential strategies may be determined and assessed. 3. Company Background Samsung is a firm with an interesting history, starting out as a small export