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This 4 page paper compares and contrasts the movie American Beauty to Chekov's short story, The Darling. Themes and relationships are analyzed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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are pervasive in society in regard to love and relationships. In Chekhovs short story, The Darling and the modern movie, American Beauty, the stereotypical woman, the very idea of beauty
and love are examined. Chekovs work, The Darling, says it all with its title. This story is the tale of Olga, whom everyone thinks is a perfect darling. No
matter which male she finds herself attached to at the time, she adopts his attitudes, values and outlooks on life(Checkov). She is very vivacious and talkative within the confines of
her companions views. She manages to go through at least three husbands and one lover until she is left all alone. She realizes that she has nothing to talk
about, at all. She has no opinions that were originally formed in her own mind about anything. Yet, everyone loved her. This seems to be a direct comment about societys
expectations from a woman. Olga was loved because she got along with everyone and was supportive of her mates and the men in her life. She did not impose her
will on any of them, nor was demanding. American Beauty also serves as a grim reminder that beauty as defined by societys standards and the false images on the television
screen is transitory at best. This movie asks the question: Is love merely going through the motions? Is beauty a trap? Are women to be only seen as objects of
pleasure? Is beauty a trap? Are women to be only seen as objects of pleasure? In American beauty the last year of the protagonists life are examined. He feels that
his life is falling apart. It is. But what has brought it to that point seems to be the vehicle which drives the movie forward. This movie is outstanding in