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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper that discusses the Operation Area Handbook - Management as found in the 2006 edition of the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Guidelines for the state of California. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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the California Implementation Guidelines for National Incident Management System, which was also approved in 2006 (Office of Emergency Services, 2007). The document states that the purpose of these Guidelines is
"to provide effective management of multi-agency and multijurisdictional emergencies in California" (Office of Emergency Services, 2007, p. 1). The function of management is outlined in Part III, EOC OA
Handbook - Management under the title "Operation Area Handbook-Management." This particular document or handbook, as it is called, "contains functional descriptions, responsibilities, and checklists for personnel assigned to the Management
Section of an Operational Area EOC" (Office of Emergency Services, 2007). It provides a responsibility chart depicting four specific areas under EOC Management: operations, planning/intelligence, logistics, and finance/administration (Office of
Emergency Services, 2007). Each jurisdiction is to determine their own needs in terms of staffing (Office of Emergency Services, 2007). There are criteria and parameters, however, which include the need
to staff with knowledgeable persons, those who have the most knowledge in the areas or discipline that is needed for that specific incident, or emergency (Office of Emergency Services, 2007).
It also limits the number of sub-functions any supervisor may be responsible for to seven (Office of Emergency Services, 2007). The guidelines for management also offer a checklist that must
be followed (Office of Emergency Services, 2007). That list has three major phases that beings with activation, moving on to the actual operational procedures and finally ending with demobilization (Office
of Emergency Services, 2007). During the activation phase, managers are to check in with the EOC, report to the overall director, set up their workstation and review the responsibilities for
this incident (Office of Emergency Services, 2007). The manager will set up an organizational process that would incorporate logs and that documents everything the manager and staff do during the