Sample Essay on:
Roy’s Adaptation Nursing Model

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 4 page paper that explains some of the key components in the Roy Adaptation Model of nursing research and practice. The essay also reviews an article and critiques it based on Roy’s framework. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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the ability of humans to adapt to their changing environments. This essay explains some of the key components in this model and reviews an article that used the framework. Literature Review Roys adaptation model came about through a suggestion by a nurse theorist, Dorothy Johnson who suggested that Roy develop a conceptual model of nursing. Roy knew that children had a remarkable ability to adapt to illness. She was also influenced by Harry Helsons work on adaptation. This guided Roys work towards developing her adaptability model (Patton, 2004). Roy defined different terms that are important to know and understand. Humans are defined as systems that give and receive input and who adapt either successfully or unsuccessfully to changing stimuli. The environment is the existing situation and the circumstances surrounding the person. Health is defined as becoming an integrated being. Nursing involves goals and interventions established by the nurse that will help the person achieve the goals (Nicholson, 2009). After stimuli are received and processed, they are exhibited in one of four adaptive modes: physiological, self-concept, role function, or interdependence (Fawcett, 2009; Nicholson, 2009; Shosha & Al kalaldeh, 2012). The behaviors of the person will be adaptive or ineffective but the nurse can observe them and help the person reach an adaptive state. This will improve the patients health (Nicholson, 2009). The physiological mode refers to all physical and chemical processes involved in the functions of the person. Self-concept has to do with how the person believes and feels about himself. Role function refers to the roles the person takes on. Interdependence is about sharing, giving and receiving love, value, and respect (Nayback, 2009). The purpose of the Roy adaptive model is to promote the ability of human adaptive systems to adjust and adapt as the environment changes ...

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