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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper that offers a brief overview of the Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing and then uses this model to formulate a general plan for addressing cardiac patient care. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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nursing is founded upon an understanding of people (as) adapting within their given life situations" (Araich, 2001). The RAM portrays the nurses role as encompassing manipulating environmental stimuli in such
a manner that the resulting interaction between the patient and the environment is within the patients "field of positive coping, resulting in adaptation" (Araich, 2001). The following discussion of the
RAM describes a plan that shows how this nursing model can be applied to a coronary care setting. According to Roy, the ultimate goal of nursing is to promote
patient adaptation. Therefore, the Roy model provides a nursing process, which is basically a problem-solving methodology that can be used to identify stimuli and evaluat3e functioning of the adaptive modes
(Araich, 2001). To this end, nursing interventions, using Roys model, involve a two-step process. First of all, behavior is assessed in accordance with four adaptations modes: physiological, self-concept,
role function and interdependence mode. The second level of this assessment process involves analysis of three types of stimuli that influence behavior: focal, contextual and residual (Araich, 2001). Evaluation constitutes
the final step in the RAM process and nursing interventions are judged according to whether or not these actions help the patient towards adaptation as defined by the four modes.
As described by Araich (2001), four nursing strategies effectively summarize how a critical care nurse can use the RAM to aid a cardiac patient in progressing toward successful adaptation and
recovery. First of all, the nurse functions in regards to providing direct care, which includes assessing the cardiac patients behavior in terms of stimuli and the four adaptive modes. Secondly,
the nurse acts a problem solver. The two-level assessment process identifies problems, which can be addressed by nursing diagnoses. Based on these diagnoses and guided by desired goals and outcomes,