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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper answers three questions assessing the financial performance of the company, the way that environmental forces are felt by the business, using Porters Five Forces model as a framework. The last part of the paper looks at the business level strategies.
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accounts published on the internet and as such we can only assess the financial condition from the details given. There is a very clear understanding of the cyclical nature of
the income with the months of May - September having a higher level of demand than the other months, The approach taken in quiet mercenary, looking to maximise the income
form these months. There are string indication of taking orders that are over their capacity during the busy period and then subcontracting them out. From this we may argue
that they are moving forward as they are able to take on these orders. They are also in a position to farm these out and still make a profit. The
demand is such that they will place priority on the customers that make ordered during this time, seeking to maximise their use of trucks and also to increase income, the
customers that will pay extra for an early delivery will get priority , following this there is the priority given to older customers. The ability to make these demand
and keep gaining business over and above their own internal capacity indicates a high level of income. Therefore we can put forward the assessment that they are doing well in
these summer months. We may also argue that with this high level of business in the summer and the need to increase income during this time, that the times during
the winter may be more challenging. It is apparent that the orders drop off in the winter. If this level of demand was all year round it may be
argued that the company would need to invest in more trucks to move the goods themselves. They currently have more trailers than trucks, and they are able to hire in