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An 8 page paper which examines the Spanish American War as it relates to the Battle of San Juan and Kettle Hill and Theodore Roosevelt. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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Battle of San Juan Hill. Another part of this war was Kettle Hill which was next to San Juan Hill. Roosevelt was an "assistant secretary of the Navy" and was
incredibly eager to get to Cuba and fight in this particular war, which apparently surprised many people (Allan, 2009). But, it was a battle that would ultimately help him later
become President of the United States. The following paper examines the Battle of San Juan and Kettle Hill and discusses Roosevelts role in the battles. Roosevelt, The Battle
of San Juan and Kettle Hill According to Allan (2009) "More than anything he wanted to serve in it and prove himself a
man. When Roosevelt proposed to Secretary of War Russell Alger the concept of the Rough Riders, otherwise known as the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, Alger agreed, offering him a
colonelcy and command." Roosevelt further suggested that it be Col. Leonard Wood who commanded the volunteers and as such Wood became the leader of the Rough Riders (Allan, 2009). Wood
was previously President McKinleys personal doctor but also a war hero as well. However, it seems that the Rough Riders would always be associated with Roosevelt who actually did
become the commander of the Rough Riders. President McKinley asked for men to become volunteers, with Roosevelt one of the first. Men
came from all around and a large majority seemed to have come from the west and so it was often referred to as a "cowboy regiment" (Hutton, 1998). "The First
U.S. Regiment of Volunteer Cavalry was to be recruited in the southwestern territories, with 340 men to be raised in New Mexico, 170 in Arizona, 80 in Oklahoma, and 170