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A 6 page analysis of two works that addresses the situation of the minority domestic worker. 'Chicanas Modernize Domestic Service' by and Mary Romero and Nicole Constable in her book Maid to Order in Hong Kong, talk about the equities of power and control that typify the employer/employee relationship for domestic workers. No additional sources cited.
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issues of political power, ethnic awareness, and, primarily, control as they relate to the situations that minority domestic workers face. While both women relate that the female domestic workers involved
in these situations are seeking political answers to what amounts to cultural oppression, the relationships that exist between those who employ and those who serve are still raft with undercurrents
of power and privilege versus the rights of the individual to control their own lives and make an honest wage. Middle class Chinese women have been entering the work
force in Hong Kong in unprecedented numbers during the last two decades. This has caused the demand for foreign domestic workers to skyrocket. In Hong Kong today, there are roughly
150,000 individuals serving out two-year contracts and the vast majority of the workforce are women from the Philippines (Constable, 1997). Likewise, Romero also records dramatic increases in the Chicana workforce.
In her book, Maid to Order in Hong Kong, Nicole Constable relates the story of the Filipina worker by expertly
weaving her analysis into the interviews that she collected from individual domestic workers. In this way, she is able to demonstrate how power is expressed in the day-to-day lives of
Filipina workers. These Filipina guest workers, who are flooding the Hong Kong domestic job market, are constantly compared to Chinese domestic workers and found lacking. This is due to
local, cultural and historical factors that have an influence on the way they are perceived by the Chinese majority, which, necessarily, impacts the way in which they are treated (Constable,
1997). Additionally, Constable also demonstrates how Chinese preconceptions concerning gender, ethnicity, and class also affected the treatment of the Filipina workers (1997). Romeros account of problems encountered by Chicana