Sample Essay on:
Romans 1:24-27

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page explication of these verses, in which the writer that Paul created a sense of tension in his writing that both conveyed a message of God's involvement with the affairs of humanity, as well as a dire need for the message of salvation. No additional sources cited.

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there are no actions on the part of humanity that do not reflect Gods will. As the following examination of Romans 1:24-27 will demonstrate, Paul created a sense of tension in his writing that both conveyed a message of Gods involvement with the affairs of humanity, as well as a dire need for the message of salvation. Roman 1:24 reads "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another." The general assumption throughout history has been that while it was humanitys duty to worship God, the choice to sin originated within the sinner. It seems reasonable to assume from the context of innumerable cases in scripture that the same assumption was made during the era in which these words were written. However, Paul argues that it was God who gave the people over to their sinful desires. This paints an image, not only of decadence, but also of divine action in allowing such behavior to take place. As this suggests, Paul argues that the sinful sexual behavior of the pagans is, in itself, a sign of Gods will. It paints their behavior as a punishment in itself, rather than as action that the people indulged in completely by their own volition, which puts a new slant on the described behavior; and, also creates a feeling of tension that comes from the implied situation that God has abandoned these people to their baser instincts. The next verse elaborates on this idea. Romans 1:25 reads: "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator -- who is forever praised. Amen." This verse suggests that during the early Christian era, there were ...

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