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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 7 page paper which examines the theme of
romance and love in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. No additional sources cited.
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7 pages (~225 words per page)
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kind. Love and romance of the age of chivalry are very prevalent in many stories, offering us a look at a time long gone. The following paper examines three of
Chaucers tales as they present us with a look at love and romance. The tales examined are the Knights Tale, the Tale from the Wife of Bath, and the Millers
Tale. The Knights Tale In this particular story we have two cousins who are imprisoned. They are Arcite and Palamon. While in prison they view a woman Emelye
and they both fall madly in love with her though they know nothing about her. They spend quite some time in prison thinking of this beautiful woman and arguing who
perhaps loves her most. Eventually Arcite is seen by someone he once knew and he is released under the condition that he never return to the kingdom of Theseus.
Palamon, however, still in prison, is still able to see Emelye through the window of the cell. Arcite eventually disguises himself so that he can enter the city again, just
so he can be near Emelye and see her and perhaps find an opportunity to win her. After several years Palamon eventually escapes with the same hopes that one
day he may win the love of Emelye. While hiding in the bushes he sees Arcite and hears Arcite talk about how much he loves Emelye. Palamon comes forth and
argues with Arcite saying he loves her more. They agree to do battle and whoever wins the battle will win her hand. However Emelye still knows nothing of these two
men or their love for her. Eventually she does find out the story and a battle between the two is officially ordered. The day of battle comes and the