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A 3 page essay that discusses stereotypes. A stereotype can be looked upon as rhetorical shorthand, a brief, but readily understood way of indicating a widespread culturally understood conception of a specific type of person. It is a way in which a society deals with difference. For example, stereotypes are used frequently in regards to ethnic differences, as people "construct the Other as different from Us, with stereotypes thus becoming the building blocks of dichotomies...between 'Us' and 'Them'" (Tseliou and Eisler, 2007, p. 515). This examination of the rhetoric of stereotypes looks briefly at how politicians, tattooed people, feminists and senior citizens, which are all groups that have been frequently stereotyped. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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with difference. For example, stereotypes are used frequently in regards to ethnic differences, as people "construct the Other as different from Us, with stereotypes thus becoming the building blocks of
dichotomies...between Us and Them" (Tseliou and Eisler, 2007, p. 515). The following examination of the rhetoric of stereotypes looks briefly at how politicians, tattooed people, feminists and senior citizens, which
are all groups that have been frequently stereotyped. Stereotypes find their origin in the observations that people make in regards to specific groups or professions (Robson, 2000). For instance,
the stereotypical politician is perceived as being willing to say anything to win election. Therefore, they are perceived as duplicitous. However, the stereotype is most frequently applied to a politician
by voters belonging to the opposite political party, while that politicians own supporters argue that their candidate is an anomaly, i.e., an honest politician who defies the stereotype. Historically, popular
rhetoric has portrayed people with tattoos in terms of tough, burly, heavily muscled men. However the popularity of tattoos has changed that stereotype, as there are now so many exceptions
to it. Kate Williams, for example, is a mother who runs her own business, a tattoo shop. Williams has a fine arts degree and has also garnered national attention for
the artistry of her tattoos (Ponnekanti, 2008). This is a good example of how stereotypical concepts of people have to periodically change to fit the parameters of a changing
reality. Feminists are another group that is frequently seen in stereotypical terms. The rhetoric surrounding this stereotype portrays a "feminist," as a woman who attempts to be masculine in
her dress and/or behavior. There is considerable irony involved in the feminist stereotype as many young professional women, who are pursing careers that were barred to women until quite recently-single