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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page paper that discusses how restaurants are impacted
by gaming facilities within establishments. The paper discusses how many restaurants are
looking to legalize gaming facilities within their area. Their struggles to legalize such
activity is essentially the direct result of the pressure felt from Native American gaming
sites which have harmed many restaurants' business. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
File: JR7_RArestgm.rtf
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Bibliography lists 4 sources. RArestgm.rtf Restaurants and Gaming By Julie A. Rodgers - July 2001 -- for more information on using this
paper properly! Introduction Gambling has always drawn many people, tempting them with possible wealth and essentially mesmerizing them to the point where little else matters. This can bode well,
or ill, for many other industries, including the food service industry. There are, as would be imagined, pros and cons to introducing gaming into a restaurant. For example, as we
shall see, it may not be acceptable in some fine dining establishments, for it would take away from the atmosphere and the food. But, in other areas it may prove
incredibly beneficial for it would entice customers to come and spend time and money. Bearing these simple conditions in mind we can easily see how there are many issues to
consider when understanding how restaurants are impacted by gaming facilities within their establishment. In the following paper we examine some of the controversy and issues surrounding the introduction of gaming
into restaurants, indicating that it is beneficial to some and detrimental to others. Restaurants and Gaming New Orleans is one area that has had many different approaches to
gaming facilities, with people on either side of the fence, arguing for and against the introduction of gambling in restaurants and in the city itself. We note some of the
difficulties in coming to a decision when noting the following: "Operators agree that the legalization of a single state-supervised gaming parlor would draw hordes of new tourists to the ailing
city. But some fear that other casinos would soon muscle their way into the market, bringing with them the cut-rate feeding facilities used by gaming hosts in Atlantic City and