Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Responses of the International Community to Climate Change Issues. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper looks at some of the international responses to the threat of global warming and climate change. The responses include the use of legislation and voluntary agreements at international, national and local levels as well as the responses of businesses, including large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
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recent documentary An Inconvenient Truth as well as the anthropocentric organizations activities. The general reaction is that the causes of global warming need to be tackled, with two general approaches;
the first is to reduce the amount of energy that is used which will reduce the environmental output preventing or minimizing the influences on global warming, the second approach is
dealing with the outputs. There are a number of initiatives that have been seen across the globe, some are undertaken as a result of legislation, other are voluntary measures,
either resulting from social responsibility or altruistic reasons or as the result of current, or expected market pressure. When considering the moves that are seen internationally there have been some
major influences, both through legislation as well as in setting culture. The Bruntland Report (1987) is a report that that may be most useful, where it is stated that "Sustainable
development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future". It is this
concept that many of the measures adopted and supported by the UN originate from. This deals with environmentalism and is not limited to issue on climate change, but looks at
the entire concept of sustainability, of which climate change is one issue and the development and ratification of the Kyoto Protocol is an international signal of the desires and aims,
but it is the way that the different countries are taking actions that will bring about the aims of the agreement. There was some resistance on the international community regarding
this. One example is Australia which refused to ratify this on the grounds that it would have an economic impact on