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A 5 page paper. Change occurs in organizations at increasing speed. Change is essential for any company to maintain a competitive advantage. This paper identifies and discusses why people resist change in organizations. The writer then provides different approaches to overcoming resistance and when to use these approaches. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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specific point in time. However, as Bolognese implies, change is a process that is continuous in todays organizations. It is not something that happens at one specific moment in time.
There is one constant when an organization tries to change - resistance. Any change, planned or reactive, will be met with resistance on the part of some employees, managers
and even executives. Woodrow Wilson commented: "If you want to make enemies, try to change something" (Kotelnikov, 2004). Kotelnikov (2004) asserts "Advocates for change are greeted with suspicion, anger, resistance,
and even sabotage." Janas calls resistance "the sleeping dragon of the change process" (1998). Janas goes on to say "resistance thwarts goals, disrupts action plans, and undermines progress" (1998). The
leader must be able to recognize the resistance and adopt strategies to overcome it. Employees resist change for any number of reasons. Bolognese (2002) offers the following partial list
of the causes of resistance: * Fear of failure. Employees may have to learn something new and experience anxiety about whether or not they can learn whatever it is (Bolognese,
2002). * There may be disagreement as to the benefits of the change (Bolognese, 2002). * Fear of the unknown, which is related to the first cause of anxiety. People
question their own ability to adapt to new processes or procedures (Bolognese, 2002). * People do not like leaving what is familiar to them and become suspicious of anything that
will change what they are used to (Bolognese, 2002). * Some people just have a very low tolerance for any change in any aspect of their lives (Bolognese, 2002).
There are a number of givens about resistance: ? Resistance is always present in change efforts (Anderson and Anderson, 2002; Janas, 1998). The more complex or the more dramatic the