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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper considers the different type of research data and various ways of analysing that data along with the results that may be gained. After considering triangulation the paper advises the use of meta-analysis for an example research project. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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10 pages (~225 words per page)
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the elimination of bias. This occurs at all stages of an investigation. The results with therefore vary in the type of data that can be used and the way it
is analysed. In undertaking this the student ,may choose any range of subjects, from assessing if a specific advertisement will increase sales of a product to the way in which
different motivational techniques will increase or decrease motivation levels. This may extend to more general surveys and infestations into society wide phenomena. The student can apply the following to any
subject they wish to study when considering the undertaking of research. In this paper the fictitious example used will be the way in which employers behaviour will impact on
the productivity of the workers. There are many variable factors that may impact on this, form the actual changes that are made, to the interactions they create and the way
that this will impact on the feeling and less tangible aspects of human behaviour. Therefore, any approach will need to be broad ranging and take these different variable factors into
consideration. The starting point will be an hypothesis. For example, it may be that that better conditions will increase productivity, alternatively it will be that increased positive attention may increase
productivity. The null hypothesis will be the opposite of the hypothesis and this also needs to be tested. Firstly, we need to consider
the different sources of information. If we consider the normal sources of information it becomes apparent why they may not be reliable and confirmation from other sources would be required.
Traditional knowledge has always held a lot of respect, this knowledge has been repeated and repeated, and if combined with authority; that is we were taught the knowledge at school