Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Regents Of University Of California V. Bakke (1978). Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
6 pages in length. Reverse discrimination lies at the core of Supreme Court case Regents of University of California v. Bakke (1978), where Allan Bakke was denied application for admission to the University of California at Davis School of
Medicine. Claiming that this denial violated both the Constitution and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Supreme Court set a precedence with regard to quotas in academic institutions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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University of California at Davis School of Medicine. Claiming that this denial violated both the Constitution and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Supreme Court set
a precedence with regard to quotas in academic institutions. There is no question that the original intent of affirmative action was to empower minority groups with the legal support
they needed as a means by which to overcome educational shortcomings; however, history has clearly proven the fact that affirmative actions quest to equalize those groups has instead allowed for
legalized prejudicial practices against the white population. "...People have come out against affirmative action in the US, even among the minority groups it was originally designed to help.
This is because it has helped perpetuate prejudices against those minorities abilities, creating the phenomenon of tokenism" (Hattis Rolef PG). Judge Marshall regarded
this case as a chance to reiterate the long needed intervention of affirmative action by reminding the court just how harshly blacks have historically been treated under the United States
legal system. ...The experience of Negroes in America has been different in kind, not just in degree, from that of other ethnic groups. It is not merely the
history of slavery alone but also that a whole people were marked as inferior by the law. And that mark has endured. The dream of America as the
great melting pot has not been realized for the Negro; because of his skin color he never even made it into the pot" (Marshall PG). That the judge recognized
the need for additional assistance in education did not mean, however, that this should in any way impose upon a white students ability to apply.