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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper provides thoughts on education with the use of materials provided by a student. The paper makes suggestions to broaden the interests of children in reading and to some extent, addresses the problem with the present educational system. The paper supports the position that teachers should foster creativity and children should be more autonomous in classrooms. No bibliography.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
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helps to highlight what has been learned on a course in education and also to make recommendations based on a personal philosophy on education. Part I.
Most Helpful Concepts In evaluating the coursework provided, the most helpful concepts go to ideas of word consciousness, where students are taught the meaning of specific words. In one
article, it is recommended that something along the lines of a "word of the day" be used. Interestingly, many adults try to increase their own vocabulary with the use of
a similar technique. There are "word a day" calendars which provide the owner with a new word each day in the hopes that the users vocabulary will increase through this
method. A teacher may even want to utilize calendars in this fashion, but much will be dependent on the age of the children. In any event, introducing new vocabulary words
slowly but surely is a good method to increase the vocabulary of the students in a classroom environment and can be implemented in a way that is fun. Another useful
concept is encouraging children to read by providing them, or recommending age appropriate but interesting materials. The article by Jo Worthy provides food for thought on this concept. Another phenomenon
is that of Harry Potter where it had been suggested that it was the first time in a long time that children were interested in reading again. In part, it
was the skill of J.K. Rowling that brought kids to the bookstores in the middle of the night waiting for new releases, but it was also the fact that this
author created controversial material. It is true that the mundane becomes rather boring for students and that interesting books may be the key for children to learn in twenty-first century