Sample Essay on:
Reflection on Aiding Patients with Chronic Conditions

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page paper offers the example of a personal reflection essay on aiding patients with chronic conditions. No bibliography is offered.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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condition, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and so forth. For these patients, the possibility of achieving health as a total absence of disease or injury is simply not possible, as they will live with these conditions for the remainder of their lives. Therefore, these patients demonstrate the principle, which as been asserted broadly in nursing literature, that health should be considered to be a continuum, rather than as one fixed goal. Using this perspective, the duty of a nurse is to aid patients with chronic conditions to achieve their most optimum level of health, whatever that might be. For example, for an individual with diabetes, this goal would be to achieve and maintain blood glucose levels in the normal range. When a diabetic achieves this goal, this greatly lowers the possibility of adverse negative effects resulting from this disease. However, once this level has been achieved, maintaining it is necessary and this involves constant struggle for the patient. It means adhering not only to prescribed medication, but also eating within the parameters of a prescribed diet and engaging in daily exercise. It means constant vigilance by testing ones blood glucose level several times a day. This becomes emotionally tiring for the patient and it is often the support of a nurse that can keep these patients inspired to continue the positive health behaviors that ensure their continued good health. In other words, due to medical innovation, it is possible to live a long and productive life even when a chronic medical condition threatens the health, and often the life, of the patient. However, achieving this goal is not simple or easy. For each malady, there are recommended changes in lifestyle that patients will find difficult to implement. Americans love greasy hamburgers, French Fries, and milk shakes ...

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