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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper which examines crime and the prevention of crime at colleges and universities across the nation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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brought on by fraternities, crimes seen in sexual encounters, and many other criminal problems across the campuses of colleges and universities in the United States. The following paper examines the
crime on campuses across the nation and then examines what measures can be, and are being, taken regarding crime on college and university campuses. Crime As mentioned, there
are many types of crimes that occur on campuses across the nation. They are not simply crimes of stealing and vandalism but are often far more intricate and deeply rooted
in the society itself. For example, "A total of 2,469 on-campus sexual offenses were reported in 1999 for both public and private colleges and universities...In 1999, there were 2,067 hate
crimes reported...Simple and aggravated assaults represented ninety-two percent (92%) of all on campus hate crimes" (The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault). Homicide is also a crime seen on
campuses, and while this article previously cited states that the homicides went down by 54% from 1998 to 1999, there were still obviously murders on campuses. There are the crimes
of stealing and assault in general, as well as the crime of drunken intoxication and other types of crimes. But, it seems that the problem with crime on campuses is
heavily related to the discovery of the crimes. Campuses are somewhat their own entity in society and crime often goes unreported. One author notes that, "Student mores can have a
negative influence on students willingness to report; the independence that higher education students value can contribute to a feeling of I can handle this myself, regardless of the severity of
the offense" (Chapter 21 Special Topics: Section 4, Campus Crime and Victimization). As such much of the crime on campuses goes completely unnoticed due to its unique position in society.