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Re-Hospitalization/African American Women with Hypertension

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 15 page research paper that outlines the first chapter on a study dissertation that addresses the influence of affordability on medication adherence among hypertensive African American women. The paper describe the nature of the problem, purpose of the study, the conceptual framework, operational definitions, assumptions, limitations, scope and delimitations. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

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15 pages (~225 words per page)

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particular focus on African American women. While hypertension is a major health problem affecting the American population in general, the prevalence of hypertension is higher among African Americans than it is among the White population, as the incidence of high blood pressure (BP) is 34 percent among black men and 31 percent among black women, as compared to 25.4 and 21 percent, respectively, among Whites. Research indicates that non-adherence to prescribed hypertensive medication plays a significant role in these statistics. As this indicates, it is extremely important that the factors influencing African American non-adherence to prescribed hypertensive medication regimens should be investigated. The proposed study addresses a previously neglected aspect of this behavior by investigating the influence of affordability and access issues to obtaining prescribed medication has on adherence behaviors. Furthermore, the study investigates the relationship between adherence behaviors and re-hospitalization, in order to identify the full ramifications of non-adherence behavior. In order to accomplish this purpose, a qualitative approach is proposed, which utilizes conceptual framework methodology in regards to data acquisition and analysis that relies on interviews with participants. Data analysis will involve transcribing the text of interviews, which will be recorded, then, a data-coding system, which will be developed, will be utilized to identify themes, which will be used to answer the research questions and determine if the main hypothesis has been verified. The student researching this topic should note that the instructions for identifying key results, one or two conclusions and recommendations apply to the final dissertation. Introduction While the incidence of hypertension is a major health problem among the general U.S. population, its prevalence is considerably higher among African Americans than it is among Whites. In fact, the prevalence rates for hypertension among African Americans are among the highest in the world ...

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