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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page report discusses and argues against the idea that racism is a valid response to people with AIDS because more African Americans (in fact, people of color in general) are infected with the virus than are Americans of European heritage. In fact, 61% of cumulative AIDS cases in Americans aged 20 to 24 are among people of color. This report suggests that the health care system is inherently biased against people of color, especially in dealing with HIV/AIDS. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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or unique health care treatment because, after all, they were "born that way." As a result, African American women should also be isolated from the community when they receive
their diagnosis of a heart condition. In fact, they may as well be dismissed from their jobs and cut off from health insurance, as well. After all, they
are just going to die anyway, right? How ridiculous! Imagine any sensible person making this argument to another person. Now, replace the words "heart disease" with the
letters AIDS. Does the argument make more sense now? Of course not! AIDS is transmitted by blood, through intimate sexual contact,
from infected mothers to their babies in the uterus, and perhaps through infected mothers milk. A major means of transmission and spread of the virus is through the use of
blood-contaminated needles by intravenous drug abusers. Casual contact in general is not a risk factor for infection, and blood donors are definitely not at risk of catching the disease. Researchers
have found that the virus usually remains dormant for some time in infected T cells, and may take up to 10 years for symptoms to develop. Researchers have not
found evidence that the virus is able to distinguish between the color of skin of the bodies it invades. To conclude that it does, demonstrates only mindless racism that
has no basis in fact or medical reality. The Statistics The Harvard AIDS Institute (1998) notes (Duangsa organizations/hai/ conferences/pediatrics/ childrights/html), that powerful and
frightening facts and figures from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that: one-half of all HIV infections in the United States are in people under