Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on RHETORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF UPTON SINCLAIR’S, THE JUNGLE
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This 6 page paper discusses the overt political rhetoric of Upton Sinclair's work, The Jungle. A brief synopsis is given, with accompanying analysis of the themes and messages. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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champions of the working man the 1900s had ever known. Upton Sinclairs novel, The Jungle, was written after a culmination of years of living among the industrial human waste that
the large factories and robber barons were producing. As such, The Jungle has great rhetorical significance moreso than a novel about one certain character or one certain place. Upton
Sinclairs work would go on to include well over eighty books, some successful some not, numerous plays, and speeches. Almost all of them had some overt political message. Of course,
he made no bones about that, he intended them to be that way because he believed that journalists had the ability and the duty to help change the world for
the better. So, in order to understand The Jungle, its helpful to look at the authors life and at the world he wanted to change in 1905.
The Jungle was written, at first, as a request by a socialist paper in the place where Sinclair found himself. He states, in a
newspaper article some years later, that he knew that he wanted to expose the utter shame of the conditions that the workers lived in, but wasnt certain how to begin.
Just about that time, there was a large strike in Packington, which was a large meatpacking area. "I knew that this was a place where modern commercial forces held
complete sway, and had the making of the entire environment. I went out there and lived among the people for seven weeks; I being a socialist, they took me in
and told me all they knew"(Sinclair 2003). Unfortunately, while he tried to aim at Americas heart, it would appear that he hit