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Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on REVIEW: RECONCILIATION VIA THE WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL BY ALEKSANDAR FATIC. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.

Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page paper reviews Fatic's book, REconciliation via the WAr Crimes Tribunal. Negative review with examples. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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Reconciliation of the War Crimes Tribunal. This paper points out the inadequacies of his research, the fallacies of his claims and the lack of substance in the overall integrity of the work. A small child sits forlorn in a muddy puddle, the remnants of his bombed out home in the background. Her family surrounds her, the pain evident in their eyes. These are the faces that greet the international community via news reports. These are the people that the War Crimes Tribunal most hopes to protect. These are the people who need justice the most. The last ten years have seen the convergence and the cooperation of nations in regard to the punishment and condemnation of countries whose internal struggles for power have resulted in gross inhumanities toward its civilians. Aleksandar Fatic in his book, Reconciliation via the War Crimes Tribunal, examines the success and the failures of the International communitys War Crimes Tribunal as it attempts to reconcile cultures, perspectives and crimes committed in the heat of war. Or thats what Fatic would like his readers to believe. Aleksandar Fatics small book, consisting of only ninety pages, is not of sufficient length or breadth to accurately cover his subject matter. In fact, the first twenty pages read more as a propagandist pamphlet than a discernible academic analysis. His claims are unsubstantiated and riddled with clich?d phrases. Rest assured, the astute reader will quickly grasp that the overall intent of the book is not insight or skillful debate, but rather is an attempt to vent political frustration, most of it pro-Serbian, toward the various War Tribunals. One of his claims is that the War ...

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