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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 6 page paper discusses the several works of Raymond Carver, analyzing them for influencial experiences from his life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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indomitable human spirit to continue to live from one moment to the next, even when the direction is unknown. This tone and the influence of his early life is reflected in several of his works, such as My Fathers Life, So Much Water, So Close to Home, and Where is Everyone. Carvers essay, My Fathers Life, speaks about that point in time when a son (or a child) realizes that their parent is human, has the same types of struggles in their lives as anyone else. In this work, the son has a startling revelation that his father had gone through many of those growing pains that he, himself, is experiencing, that like his father, he runs the risk of living without meaning. In the end, the son realizes that he is a younger version of his father, almost identical to the young man in the picture that he later observes. And it frightens him. "Then he died. I was a long way off, in Iowa City, with things still to say to him. I didnt have the chance to tell him goodbye, or that I thought he was doing great at his new job. That I was proud of him for making a comeback"(Carver 2003). This was the turning point for Carver. Many of his works are shaped by a sense of urgency, of searching, yearning for something better...yet not exactly knowing what that better is. Like his father, he speaks about having a problem with alcohol. This experience also figures into his works from this time. Carver often was fond of saying that he was born twice, one time when he was a drunk, and later, after he beat the addiction. ...

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