Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on RAY KROC AND MCDONALD’S. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 2.5-page paper describes Ray Kroc (founder of McDonald's) and his impact on the fast food industry. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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1950s, who helped make the McDonalds system what it is today. It can be said that Kroc discovered his true calling at
age 52 when, as an exclusive distributor for the "multi-mixer" milkshake machines, he stumbled across a small chain of hamburger restaurants based in San Bernardino, Calif., owned by the McDonald
brothers (McDonalds Corp. 2003). At the time, fast food was in its infancy; most people ate at home mainly because they couldnt trust a burger from a hamburger drive-in.
Kroc changed that, however, from the very start, when he opened his first McDonalds restaurant in 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois (, 2003).
Through McDonalds, he became dedicated to providing consistent quality, service, cleanliness and value to the customer (McDonalds Corp. 2003). Cleanliness, especially was a number one priority - from the parking
lots, to the counters, to the uniforms and even the rest rooms (Pepin, 1998). In addition, his innovative uses of standardization of
cooking techniques throughout the McDonalds system were written up in the Harvard Business Review at one point (McDonalds Corp. 2003). The hamburger beef patties, for example, are specifically measured to
.221 inches thick and 3.875 inches wide, and weigh exactly 1.6 ounces, no matter what McDonalds the patty might come from (McDonalds Corp. 2003). This meant that no matter what
McDonalds restaurant a person might be eating in - whether nationally or internationally - the standards never varied (Davids, 1999). Krocs methods
were simple yet effective - he used the models of speed and low prices (along with quality and cleanliness, as mentioned above), and even established a "Hamburger University" to train