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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper looks at the issue of quality in the context of operations management. A case presented by a student is used as a springboard for discussion. The paper is predominately a literature review on books and articles about management. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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it is found that there are problems related to quality. For example, it might be that some classes are overbooked, or that some classes are open but will not allow
a student to enroll due to a programming error. Because students like to enroll in class from home, or from their dorm rooms, if they are not able to accomplish
the procedure, they may end up taking courses they do not want as badly. It would be unfortunate not to fill up a class due to logistical issues related to
quality. Further, the problem may go beyond the scope of the computer and simply not having enough man hours during the enrollment process could enter the picture. Likely, such problems
involve a combination of human and computer error. In reviewing literature on the subject of operations management and quality issues, several pieces of literature might help in the provision of
alternatives. It should be noted that quality gurus and their approach to the topic range from those who are firm in their dictums to those who incorporate a broad range
of management tools. While most experts agree that quality is desirable, some wonder whether or not there is a cost. Of course, everything has its price and quality control
does cost money. At the same time, in the long run, most agree that attention to quality is worthwhile. An example of this comes from a major firm that provides
supporting documentation in the implementation of TQM or Total Quality Management. TQM is well known to support the concept of quality in a business setting. Youngblood (1996) reports on Arnie
Weimerskirch of Honeywell who agreed that TQM is successful and cites numerous examples of how the TQM focus on efficiency, problem solving and customer service; she explains that it has