Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Qbam and the Way Project Management Concepts Can Help. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 18 page paper looks at the concepts of project management that will be important to a project manager about to embark on a new project moving the location of a firm to bigger premises. The concept of propjet management and a framework that can be used to manage it is considered as well as issues such as the role of the project manager, the tools that may be used and critical success factors. The bibliography cites 24 sources.
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18 pages (~225 words per page)
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Chart 15 2.5 Success Factors (CHAOS) 16 3. Conclusion 19 References 19 1. Introduction Qbam are a small company, employing fifteen administration staff and seventy operational staff. There has
been a decision by the firm to move to new offices, moving from an office of 4,645 square meters to premises that are 6,967 square meters in size. The firm
needs to ensure that the move goes smoothly and that operations can continue, as a firm that provides a range of security services, including the provision uniformed security guards, access
control car park security as well as CCTV services. The aim of the move is to give the firm room to expand; creating a new division with seven administration staff
and twenty five operational staff. that will seek to compete in the international environment. The firm need to undertake the planning of this is a careful manner, before
the plan itself can be formulated it is necessary to consider the processes and theories that need to be used ion the planning stages to ensure that there is a
full understanding of the way that project management process can be undertaken in order to ensure success. There are a number of approaches that need to be considered, this can
include the concept of project management and a framework for the stages as well as looking at issues such as the role of the project manager, useful project management tools
and criteria for a successful project 2. Project Management Project management has been defined as "the art of directing and coordinating human
and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction" (The Project Management Institute