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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3-page paper answers questions pertaining to the World Trade Organization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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3 pages (~225 words per page)
File: AS43_MTquestwto.doc
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Members so hesitant to resort to decision-making by voting? Would decision-making by voting be to the advantage of the developing-country Members? According to the World Trade Organizations website, the organization
members prefer decision-making by consensus, rather than by voting (Whose WTO is it anyway). Decision by consensus "allows all members to ensure their interests are properly considered . . ."
(Whose WTO is it anyway). The theory behind the WTO is that ALL member countries should be able to have input into a decision - voting effectively denies that type
of decision-making. Making decisions through consensus (versus voting) means that all participants (or on this case, WTO members) have input into proposals and
issues, and the collaborative nature of consensus activities means that decisions end up benefitting all members as much as possible. The advantage of this type of decision-making is that all
WTO members, even those from developing countries, can have input into major trade and other issues that the WTO handles. The input of all members is solicited through consensus. The
downside is that decision-by-consensus is cumbersome and can sometimes be contentious, especially if members cant agree on issues. The WTO recognizes this,
pointing out that "where consensus is not possible, the WTO agreement allows for voting . . ." with each country having one vote (Whose WTO is it anyway).
Can developing-country Members effectively participate in the WTO decision-making process? If not, why? In theory, the answer is yes - any country that is
a WTO member is permitted input into the decision-making process. As discussed above, the WTO prefers the consensus method of making decisions for this very reason - it wants to