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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 7 page paper which examines the ways in which Puerto Ricans have adjusted their language upon living in the United States. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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7 pages (~225 words per page)
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Many people are familiar with the Mexican Americans and the diverse dialects that this particular cultural group possesses. But, there are many other Spanish languages in the nation aside from
the Mexican Americans. As one author notes, "Spanish in the United States represents many dialects that are the result of a number of historical and social factors" (Carter, 2008). Interestingly
enough, many of the Spanish languages are the result of what is called the founder effect which has most directly involved the Mexican Americans, but not some other Spanish speaking
cultures (Carter, 2008). One of the Spanish speaking groups is the Puerto Ricans of the nation, a cultural group that, for the most part, lives in New York and a
cultural group whose language has not evolved due to the founder effect (Carter, 2008). The Puerto Ricans in the United States appear far more reliant on their native tongue, with
obvious English elements, than do many other Spanish speaking groups. The following paper examines the Puerto Rican language and how it has evolved through what is known as code-switching.
Puerto Rican Language As noted in the introduction, the Mexican Americans have a very diverse range of dialects concerning Spanish and English. This may be due to the fact
that they are seen widespread throughout many states in the nation and as such have developed very diverse language adaptations of Spanish and English. But, in the case of the
Puerto Rican people it appears as though their mother tongue is incredibly important to them both in Puerto Rico and in the United States and as such has not drastically
altered its foundations. It is important to see this particular pride and foundation in relationship to asp their language prior to moving on to a discussion of variations. As