Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on "Psychosocial Treatments For Bipolar Depression" - Analysis. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
3 pages in length. Pharmacotherapy is all too often the first and more than likely only treatment approach prescribed for bipolar patients, a reality this study's authors show as only partially effective in reaching the goal of recovery. To depend solely upon the limited medicinal benefit when addressing the often debilitating impact of bipolar disorder is to withhold the powerful synergy that comes from a combined protocol of drug and psychosocial therapies. The authors further illustrate this point by extending the scope of this trial to incorporate fifteen different locations where patients participated, a decision that offers a broader range of respondent input and gives this study a unique approach. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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of recovery. To depend solely upon the limited medicinal benefit when addressing the often debilitating impact of bipolar disorder is to withhold the powerful synergy that comes from a
combined protocol of drug and psychosocial therapies. The authors further illustrate this point by extending the scope of this trial to incorporate fifteen different locations where patients participated, a
decision that offers a broader range of respondent input and gives this study a unique approach. Given the increasing acceptance of adjunctive psychosocial interventions for bipolar disorder...we developed a
3-session comparison condition composed of the many common elements found in existing empirically supported treatments rather than choosing a medication-only control. We found that substituting any 1 of the
3 intensive, specialized, manual-driven interventions for this minimal treatment resulted in clinically significant improvements in time to recovery. Overall, patients were 1.58 times more likely to be well in
any study month if they received intensive psychotherapy than if they received CC in addition to their pharmacotherapy (Miklowitz et al, 2007, p. 419).
Significant about the study is how the findings illustrate that pharmacology alone is not as effective a long-term recovery option as the combined efforts of intense psychotherapy and
standard bipolar medications. Achieving optimum health represents the primary goal of any given medicinal modality; when the disease to be treated is bipolar disorder, however, there are two schools
of thought pertaining to appropriate treatment options: either pharmacotherapy or psychosocial. When medication is not warranted when the cause is not chemical in nature, psychotherapy is able to alter
the negative thought processes and overall perspective to reach wellness; however, when a chemical imbalance is the primary instigator, pharmacotherapy is an essential -- but not comprehensive -- tool.