Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Protecting Children’s Safety On and Through the Internet. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 7 page paper examining the role of the Internet in disseminating children’s health and safety information and also presenting a danger to children’s health and safety. The paper discusses discernment of information quality, providing high-quality sites (i.e., WebMD) containing information for parents. The paper also discusses what parents should be teaching their children about Internet use and discusses the ISPs and several blocking software packages that can aid in that purpose. It concludes that public health and community nursing can assist parents in this endeavor by providing information on reliable sites and making suggestions for negotiating that fine line between teaching their children responsible use of the Internet and fear of all strangers regardless of circumstances. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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7 pages (~225 words per page)
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The chosen topic for this community nursing paper is that requiring exploration of the Internet for information regarding childrens interests. The paper seeks to identify information available to
parents that can assist them with matters of their childrens health, development and safety, not only online but in all aspects of their lives. It also seeks to identify
safety and security measures available to parents so that they can allow their children to use the Internet rather freely yet still remain safe from online predators and pedophiles, and
not be subjected to the baser aspects of the free access to all types of information available on the Internet. Physical and Mental Health and Safety
There is a wealth of information available to parents regarding their childrens health, safety and general physical well being. One of the lessons learned as the
Internet grew exponentially throughout the latter years of the 1990s is that not all of the information available on the Internet is sound, and some of that which is provided
by individuals apparently in the realm of good intentions is just wrong and can be dangerous. This great variability in the quality of information available on the Internet has
made us more aware of the need to be discerning when gathering and assimilating some of the information that the Internet provides. "Consider the source" provides an efficient and
workable rule for assessing any informations relative worth. The information contained on a personal web page that exists in an Internet Service Providers (ISP) free-pages-for-members section may or may
not be reliable. That gained through online databases providing access to peer-reviewed journals most likely is highly reliable. There are many sites