Sample Essay on:
Pros and Cons of QII

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A 3 page research paper that discusses the topic of Quality Improvement Initiatives (QIIs) in regards to hospital settings and specifically in regards to pressure ulcers (PUs). The writer first lists 4 pros and 4 cons in regards to the QII Six Sigma and then briefly discusses this QII in terms of PU prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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following is a listing of Six Sigmas pros and cons. Pros 1. Six Sigma strategy offers a clear perspective on achieving "measurable and quantifiable financial returns" for the organization implementing this system, as no Six Sigma project receives approval if the bottom-line profit impact has not been clearly identified (Antony 2). 2. Six Sigma strategy emphasizes "strong and passionate leadership," as well as the support necessary for successful implementation of its methodology of problem solving, which integrates all of the human elements, i.e. "culture change, customer focus, belt system infrastructure, etc.," with process elements of improvement (Antony 2). 3. Six Sigma stresses the significance of "data and decision making" that is grounded in "facts and data rather than assumptions and hunches" (Antony 2). 4. Six Sigma utilizes the "concept of statistical thinking and encourages the applications of well-proven statistical tools and techniques for defect reduction through process variability reduction methods" (Antony 2). Cons 1. The challenge inherent in requiring that quality data should be available is that, in regards to some processes, insufficient data is available, which means that issues have to researched (Antony 3). Often, this requirement takes the "largest proportion of the project time" (Antony 3). 2. The correct selection and prioritization of projects is critical to the success elements affecting the Six Sigma program (Antony 3). Prioritization is often based on subjective judgment, as there are a limited number of powerful tools that can be applied to this task (Antony 3). 3. The statistical definition of Six Sigma is when "3.4 defects or failure per million opportunities" is achieved (Antony 3). However, as a defect can be defined as anything that does not meet client expectations, it is illogical to judge all defects as being equal in value. For instance, ...

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