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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 12 page paper discussing professional codes of ethics in IT and providing examples of where and why they are needed. There are efforts to continue making the Internet more accessible to greater numbers of people, along with more attention to privacy than in the past. Published codes of ethics (and adherence to them) as well as the philosophies of Kant and Mill help to prevent the IT professional from falling victim to the “boiled frog syndrome” of decline that follows lapse of ethical vigilance. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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12 pages (~225 words per page)
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paper discusses professional codes of ethics in IT and provides examples of where and why they are needed. There are efforts to continue making the Internet more accessible to
greater numbers of people, along with more attention to privacy than in the past. Published codes of ethics (and adherence to them) help to prevent the IT professional from
falling victim to the "boiled frog syndrome" of decline that follows lapse of ethical vigilance. The philosophies of Kant and Mill can provide guideposts leading to sound and ethical
decision making. Introduction It was in the tenth century B.C. that King Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes, "What has been will
be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). It was a message repeated many times throughout the book;
the reader wonders if King Solomon would retain the same perspective today. While alchemists were trying to create gold from straw and peasants
were certain that meat created flies, another axiom was that "the rain follows the plow. It doesnt, but that old, wrong, idea affected the real world: the Dust Bowl,
Woody Guthries and Henry Fondas careers, and many current land- and water-use policies in the western United States. Ideas, even bad ones, can have real consequences" (Dalton, 2001; p. PG).
We have heard that "progress is our most important product;" "information wants to be free." Ogden Nash once said that "Progress might
have been alright once, but it has gone on too long" (Dalton, 2001; p. PG). Likely Ogden Nash would be even more surprised than King Solomon. The technological