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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This is a 5 page paper discussing probability sampling. To properly understand inferences within a population, researchers have developed methods of sampling which combine with the concept of probability to acquire the desired results. There are various types of probability sampling each of which has its own advantages in regards to capturing a specific trend within the population. Sampling sizes are based on several factors as well which include level of confidence, population size, and sampling error among other factors.
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of which has its own advantages in regards to capturing a specific trend within the population. Sampling sizes are based on several factors as well which include level of confidence,
population size, and sampling error among other factors. To understand the concept of probability and the sampling tests which are often used
to test probability, it is important understand some basic definitions in regards to the use of probability and statistics in the social sciences. During an experiment the "sample space" is
the set of all possible outcomes of that experiment and an "event" is a set of one or more outcomes within that sample space. Two events are mutually exclusive if
they have no outcomes in common within the sample space. "Random variable" occurs when it is possible to predict with a certain amount of certainty the exact outcome of an
experiment and as the experiment is repeated a number of times a distribution of relative frequencies occur (Variation and Probability, 2002). The "probability" of an outcome or event can be
determined using empirical data or theoretical data based on a mathematical model of the process. An example of an empirical definition would
be to suppose an outcome or event (A) occurs f times in n observations, then the concept of probability of the event A would be an idealization of the relative
frequency and it is the limiting value of this frequency when n is increased (Variation and Probability, 2002). Theoretical estimates of probability are based on plausible assumptions and the most
common one being that all possible outcomes are equally likely to occur. In regards to relative frequencies then the probabilities would have the following properties: P(A) is a value from