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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
6 pages in length. The extent to which the nation's incarceration rate reflects an ever-growing reality is both grand and far-reaching; that most states continue to experience annual increases instead of declines speaks to a sorely stressed penal system that is running out of room and alternatives. Determining what the American incarceration rates have been over the last ten years, and what New York State incarceration rates reflect, provides some insight to why this is still a problem in 2004. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
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declines speaks to a sorely stressed penal system that is running out of room and alternatives. Determining what the American incarceration rates have been over the last ten years,
and what New York State incarceration rates reflect, provides some insight to why this is still a problem in 2004. II. ANSWERS
The United States lays claim the worlds highest incarceration rate as a direct result of federal minimum sentencing requirements mandated by law in the 1980s; the result is that state
correctional prison budgets are exploding. Statistics over the last ten years illustrates how the national inmate population stood at no less than one million prisoners in 1997 (Grayson, 1997);
as of 2003, that figure had doubled, reaching two million for the first time in history (NORML Foundation, 2004). Finding a viable solution to the problem has been plaguing
a number of states, not the least of which is New York, inasmuch as "...overcrowding requires an expansion of facilities or a dropping of the intake rate. Prison officials
have no control over the capacities of their institutions or over the number of offenders that are sent to them by the courts" (Jerin, no date).
Retraining criminals to become positive, contributing members of society has always proven to be a challenge for officials in charge of rehabilitation. Myriad programs have been
implemented throughout history to achieve this goal but according to those in the field, none have proven as effective as the boot camp and shock incarceration programs currently in use
by a number of criminal justice systems. In attempting to put back the missing elements of a stable and productive person, such programs have been said to be instrumental