Sample Essay on:
Practicum Goals

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page paper provides an overview of a set of practicum goals in the field of nursing. This paper is actually a practicum goal sheet filled out with specific objectives, goals and evidence of goal completion. No sources are cited.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

File: MH11_MHpract2goa.doc

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Faculty Students Phone Number UPX Campus Mentors Name and Educational Credentials (Minimum of an RN MSN required) Mentors Agency Mentors Job Title Mentors Phone Number Practicum Goal: To develop, implement and evaluate a risk prevention educational program for home care agency nurses working with elderly, chronically ill patients. Complete this column for Week One - NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two - NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two - NUR/590A Complete Before Midpoint Review Complete Before You Start NUR/590B Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B 1.0 Analyze the causes of falls for elderly people with chronic conditions in homes where home health nursing services are provided and identify evidence-based best practice prevention strategies. 1a. Conduct a literature review of at least 15 peer-reviewed professional journal articles on the topic of fall risk in elderly populations and fall prevention strategies. 1b. Review the home care records to identify precipitating situations leading to falls for elderly populations. 1c. Discuss findings with mentor. 1a. Annotated bibliography of the literature review and a summary table. 1b. Table summarizing the cases of falls in the home care agency assessed. 1c. Summary of discussion and conclusions that are drawn from the discussion, including any action plan or goals. ...

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