Sample Essay on:
Practicum - Developing and Evaluating a Program to Reduce Falls in Chronically Ill Elderly Patients

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 4 page paper presents a practicum as an example for fulfillment of NUR/590A, with the goal of developing and evaluating an educational program to educate staff in the home care agency in fall prevention for elderly patients in the home with certain chronic diseases. The learning objectives, leaning strategies and evidence are all presented. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

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4 pages (~225 words per page)

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in a care home, to help them recognize risks, and develop particles which will safeguard the well being of their elderly, chronically ill patients reducing their risk of falling. The program, once tested and refined following a full assessment including feedback and a statistical assessment of the results, will be suitable for use in other residential facilities caring for chronically ill elderly patients. Complete this column for Week One - NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two - NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two - NUR/590A Complete Before Midpoint Review Complete Before You Start NUR/590B Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B 1.0 Identify the causes of falls of elderly people in care homes with chronic conditions along with strategies to reduce falls in care home environments. 1a. Undertake a literature review using peer reviewed and professional journals, reviewing at least 15 articles with relevant information. 1b. Review the care home records to identify the specific causes of falls in elderly chronic patients at that home. 1c. Discuss findings with supervisor/mentor. 1a. The creation of a detailed annotated bibliography of the reviewed literature, supplemented with a summary table. 1b. Creation of a table summarizing the cases of falls in the care home 1c. Documentation of the discussion, concussion and any action plan with goals. Complete this column for Week One - NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two - NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two - ...

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