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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper considers two countries as potential destinations for a Greenfield investment. Poland and Brazil are compact, looking at the potential they offer for a Greenfield investment, including location, trade policies and relations, economic development and the workforce. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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the countries considered are Poland and Brazil. Poland is one of the newest members of the European Union, located in Eastern Europe Poland was until recently a communist economy,
gaining independence when the USSR fell (Shimov, 2005). Therefore, the current positions the country is will which is reflected rapid economic and political development. Since 1990 there has been an
aggressive policy of liberalization within the country, and a strengthening of competition rules qwith legislation such as the 2000 Act on Competition and Consumer Protection, with legislation and policies covering
areas such as consumer rights, the assurance a fair trading environment and anti-trust policies, which will needed to be put into place in order to comply with the EU requirements
for membership. The currency is currently Zloty, however there has been a commitment towards the country working to meet the criteria in order to enter the single European currency of
the Euro in the future. The GDP of the country in 2007 was $420.3 billion, and it is an economy which is currently growing, with an increase of 6.6% in
real terms of the 2006 (CIA, 2008). This equates to GDP per capita of $16,200 (CIA, 2008). This indicates that the country has a relatively low cost structure, and it
is known opponent offers a potential for comparative advantage for the setting up new businesses. Real estate costs within the country are relatively low, as are land taxes, this combined
with the advantages of free trade across the entire European Union present some potential advantages in terms of local and national sales and distribution from a new facility. It should
also be noted that the exchange of local currencies generally unrestricted within the European Union ((UK Trade & Investment, 2008). Recruitment should not be problematic, the recruitment sector including a